WD Gann image

W.D. Gann’s Progress

W.D. Gann’s Approximate time of development

1902. Started trading.

1907. Gann lost all his money when many banks and brokerages failed after the crash of 1907.

1909. On April 15th W.D. Gann started making public predictions using the pen name OROLO.
In September 1909, W.D. Gann demonstrated his method for The Ticker Magazine and introduced his concepts based around the Law of Vibration, History repeats, the number 7.
These were continuously used and developed further in all Ganns later work.
Although it is possible, Gann was developing Gann angles and astrological techniques during this period, there is no evidence to believe that Gann angles or astrology were used in the Ticker interview calculations.
The method according to Richard Wykoff was so simple that W.D. Gann could do the calculations in his head based only on price.

1919. Annual Forecasts. Perhaps began as early as 1915.

1921. Astrology is mentioned for the first time in an interview. Philadelphia Journal of Commerce January 15, 1921.
“His calculations are based on the science of letters, numbers [law of vibration] and Astrology.”

1909-1923. Main calculators. An Interview with W.D. Gann – New York Herald. 1923.
“He has a big, ponderous volume filled with these figures – squares, angles, pyramids and circles – and whenever he wants to know anything he turns to a certain geometrical figure and puts his finger on the answer.”

1923. First book “Truth of the Stock Tape” published.

1927. “THE TUNNEL THRU THE AIR or LOOKING BACK FROM 1940”. published [also referred to in this book as TTTA or Tunnel]
Explains in more detail all the principles from the Ticker (1909) interview as well as more detail on Astrology.

1931-35 First trading courses for private students.

These contained:
Name Vibration charts for The New York Stock Exchange, United States Steel and America.

Square of the number 9.
Square of the number 12.
Square of the number 360
Square of the high or low price.
Square of the range.
Square of 52.
Square of 90.
Square of 144.

Price and Time Calculators
Spiral/Octagon chart (now commonly called the square of nine)
Square of four.
Circle chart. (Wheel of 24)

1937. “How to trade in Puts and Calls”
The earliest reference to the 50% rule.  Gann was using this much earlier than this publish reference but he was using expression ” Gravity Center”.

1939. “Review of Dow Bull and Bear Markets 1909-1939”
50% rule again mentioned.

1942. How to make profits trading in commodities. [revised and updated 1951]
Work on percentages fully developed.

1940s. Earliest reference (that I can find to planetary angles)
These may have been under development in the 1930’s but were definitely expanded on in the 1940-50s.

To recap, the methods were likely discovered in the following order.
Law of Vibration / History repeats
Gann angles and Astrology.